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[CORE] [TWEAK] Stranger in a strange land (play a self in a world of fantasy)

Publié : mer. janv. 27, 2021 1:58 pm
par Maitresinh
Here is the idea : in "playing at the world" (, John Peterson show how came up the idea of projecting himself in a world of fantasy, long before D&D: there was a "genre" of littérature that, from mark twain, have been playing with this idea, through a modern person, alter-ego of the reader, finding himself in a world of Magic.
It's a somehow massive phenomenon in pulp, fantasy and SF novels from John Carter of Mars, Merritt, Lovecraft, Poul Anderson, etc...

So the idea is that, in this remake, we could illustrate the magic of "being there" by breaking the fourth wall.

Some (modern) references :

- 3 Hearts, 3 Lions from Poul Anderson ( ... earts_and_...)
- Army of Darkness, from Sam Raimi
- The flight of the Dragons (
- Dungeons & Dragons (the animation)
- Neverend story

I don't know yet how (and if) introduce this idea mechanically, but i've got various idea.

One of them is breaking the fouth wall: depending on your "real" character, what you do/say as a "real" person can breaks (more or less) the rules or give you special actions....

In any case, it doesn't imply massive tweaks of the rules, if any. It doesn't changes anything, but it changes everything. Magic.

Re: [CORE] [TWEAK] Stranger in a strange land (play a self in a world of fantasy)

Publié : lun. févr. 01, 2021 5:28 pm
par Maitresinh
No estoy seguro todavia. Espontanemente diria que lo mas importante es la historia. Por lo que volver à casa seria el objetivo. Pero no quiero que permita un desquilibrio en el juego.
Lo otro es que puede haber requisitos antes de volver y/o problemas personales. Si fueron a parar alli como Paladin o ladron, sera por algo....

Tendre que jugar otra vez, durante el mes, y vere cuales son las vias posibles compatibles con el juego original para hacer propuestas. Luego me diras.